Call us now or request a callback from one of our qualified solicitors for more advice, a fee quotation, or to start your case.
Bankruptcy usually lasts for a year. Only the High Court can declare you bankrupt, after a bankruptcy petition has been submitted.
Once you're sure that bankruptcy is the best option for you, we can take the weight of your shoulders. We'll prepare the paperwork, lodge it with the Court, and represent you at the hearing - usually, you don't even need to attend. All you have to focus on is making the fresh start that you want and need.
The costs of the bankruptcy are made up of our professional fees, and the fees payable on your behalf to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, and the Court. These fees are in the region of £640, our professional fees are based on the complexity of your case and the amount of paperwork we have to prepare. The good news is that we can give you an accurate and clear fee quotation before you instruct us, so there are no hidden costs.
Call us now or request a callback from one of our qualified solicitors for more advice, a fee quotation, or to start your case.